
发布日期:2021-12-10 作者:来源:国际旅游与酒店管理系

WHMS Samarathunga博士来自斯里兰卡,自2017年师从我校澳门新莆京游戏大厅程励教授攻读博士学位,并于2020年顺利毕业。Samarathunga博士目前是斯里兰卡拉贾拉塔大学的高级讲师,并担任中国与斯里兰卡文化遗产与旅游研究国际中心联席主任。Samarathunga博士的研究兴趣包括游客凝视、旅游规划、旅游人类学、战后旅游等。

Samarathunga博士在我校就读期间,与程励教授合作在国际期刊上发表了多篇学术论文。其中一篇题为“Buddhist gaze and power in a post-war destination: case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka”的论文发表在SSCI一区期刊Tourism Management Perspective上,该论文基于网络评论数据,探究了斯里兰卡战后地区国内游客凝视的转变,为战后旅游目的地发展研究提供了参考与启示。另一篇题为“Tourist gaze and beyond: state of the art”的论文发表在SSCI二区期刊Tourism Review上,全面分析了旅游凝视相关学术成果的演变与发展,并为相关领域的未来研究方向提供了有价值的建议。


图一:Samarathunga博士在Tourism Management Perspective上发表论文

Samarathunga博士毕业后,积极运用自己博士期间的所学知识参与社会活动、为学界与业界服务。今年11月,他受德国媒体DW News之邀,在线发表了题为“How to keep tourism going in a pandemic”的演讲,取得了良好的社会反响。今年12月17日,Samarathunga博士将在卡拉贾拉塔大学国际研讨会上发表主旨演讲,题为“Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo Software”,讲授质性研究软件NVivo的操作与应用。


图二:Samarathunga博士受DW News邀请发表线上演讲






Dr. WHMS Samarathunga is from Sri Lanka. He has been studying for his doctoral degree under the tutelage of Professor Cheng Li of the Tourism School of Sichuan University since 2017 and has graduated in 2020. Dr. Samarathunga is currently a senior lecturer at Rajarata University, Sri Lanka, and also serves as a co-director of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Culture Heritage and Tourism Research of China and Sri Lanka. Dr. Samarathunga’s research interests include visitor gaze, tourism planning, tourism anthropology, post-war tourism, etc.

Dr. Samarathunga has published a number of academic papers in first-class international journals in cooperation with Professor Cheng Li while studying in Sichuan University. One of his papers titled “Buddhist gaze and power in a post-war destination: case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka” was published in Tourism Management Perspective, a journal indexed by SSCI in the first zone. Based on online review data, this paper explored the change of domestic tourists' gaze in post-war Sri Lanka and contributes to the knowledge of post-war tourism destination development. Another paper titled “Tourist Gaze and Beyond: The paper of State of the Art” was published in Tourism Review, a journal indexed by SSCI in the second zone. This study comprehensively reviewed the evolution and development of academic achievements related to tourism gazing, and provided valuable suggestions for future research directions in related fields.

After graduation, Dr. Samarathunga actively participated in social activities and served the academia and industry with the knowledge he had learned during his doctorate. He was invited by a famous German media DW News to give an online speech titled “How to keep Tourism going in a Pandemic”, which received a good social response. In addition, Dr. Samarathunga will deliver a keynote speech “Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo Software” at the International Symposium of Rajarata University on December 17, 2021.

Dr. Samarathunga is an excellent doctoral student trained by Tourism School of Sichuan University. It is believed that he will continue to make more contributions to the tourism research between China and Sri Lanka and the friendly cooperation between the two countries in his future scientific research work.

