1. 出土饱水象牙脱水加固关键技术与应用示范,课题编号:2022YFF0904005,课题负责人;
2. 四川地区有机质文物 的防火安全与病害控制,国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,课题编号:U19A2045,子课题负责人;
3. 馆藏典型脆弱有机质文物病害防治与评价技术研究,国家重点研发计划项目,项目编号:2019YFC15204,子课题负责人;
4. 传统书画古籍修裱用浆糊保护材料的关键技术研究,四川省科技支撑计划重点项目,项目编号:2022YFS0498,项目负责人;
5. 中国古籍传统修复技艺的科学化研究,四川省科技支撑计划重点项目,项目编号:2019YFS0494,项目负责人;
6. 纸质文物保护研究创新团队,四川省社科联创新团队项目,第二负责人.
(1) Yanbing Luo*, Quan Wei, Yanfei, Wei. The effect of traditional amur cork tree bark extract dyes on thermal stability of paper by accelerating ageing. Heritage Scicence, 2022, 82(10): 1-12.
(2) Yanbing luo*, Xiujuan Zhang. Effects of yellow natural dyes on handmade Daqian paper. Heritage Scicence, 2021, 9(85): 1-10.
(3) Yanbing Luo*, Cheng Yang, Yifan Huang. Analyzing ancient Chinese handmade Lajian paper exhibiting an orange‑red color. Heritage Scicence, 2019, 7(61): 1-6.
(4) Yanbing Luo*, Yue Wang, Xiujuan Zhang. A combination of techniques to study Chinese Traditional Lajian Paper. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2019(38): 75-81.
(5) Yanbing Luo. Durability of Chinese Repair Bamboo Papers under Artificial Aging Conditions. Studies on Conservation. 2019, 64(8): 448-455.
(6) Yanbing Luo, Elena Basso, Herry D. Smith, Marco Leona. Synthetic arsenic sulfides in Japanese prints of the Meiji period. Heritage Science, 2016,4(17): 1-6 .
(7) Yanbing Luo*, Lingzhi Xiao, Xiujuan Zhang. Characterization of TEOS/PDMS/HA nanocomposites for application as consolidant/hydrophobic products on sandstones. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2015, 16: 470-478.
(8) Anna Cesaratto, Yanbing Luo, Henry D. Smith II, Marco Leona*. A timeline for the introduction of synthetic dyestuffs in Japan during the late Edo and Meiji periods. Heritage Science. 2018, 6(22): 1-12.
(10) Yanbing Luo*, Zicong Lin. Biodegradation assessment of poly (lactic acid) filled with functionalized titania nanoparticles (PLA/TiO2) under compost conditions”. Nanoscale Research Letter, 2019,14(56): 1-10.
(11) Yanbing Luo, Yu-Zhong Wang*. Effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on the photodegradation of poly(lactic acid). Journal of applied polymer science. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/app.46509
(1) 中国发明专利,一种砂岩类纸质文物保护材料及制备和应用方法,专利号:ZL201310684583.X。
(2) 中国发明专利,一种纸质文物修复装裱用浆糊及制备方法和应用方法,申请号:202111612638.7。